Today I am thankful for...
This guy. I was blessed with the best siblings ever. Brian graduated with his bachelor degree today and I couldn't have been more proud of him! We haven't always gotten along, like that time when he pointed a BB gun at my chest and pulled the trigger..., but we love each other!
The Word...
" ye out of the best books words of wisdom, seek learning even by study and also by faith;" ~Doctrine and Covenants 109:7
Knowledge is power! Learning everything we can now will help us as we continue on in our eternal progression. And it's fun!

L reading a book...upside down. Man, she's got skill!
On my heart...
Today was a busy, but good day. Brian's graduation, lunch and fun times with the family, and girls night with my besties. I am so blessed. When I was telling my BFF about this whole 100 day project, I realized that it's been helping me. I've been doing better at studying my scriptures. I'm praying with more intent. I'm feeling happier. I feel like this whole thing is exactly what my Heavenly Father needs me to be doing right now to help myself. And maybe just maybe someone else out there will learn something with me. I was going to write about my goals today, but it's getting late so I think I'll sign out for now and come back to it tomorrow.
God is good! He loves me and leads me in the paths he wants me to go!
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