There's nothing like a cousin who you can be besties with! We've had lots of adventures over the last 33ish years! For the next three days we get to be together at Limitless. Usually we don't get to do these kinds of things together. One of us does it first and invites the other, but this time! This time! We get to do it together!!! This lady has been a huge anchor in my life! She is more than a cousin and a best friend. She is my mentor! My angel! The one person who knows me well and feels like she can call me out on my stuff. I'm so thankful God let us choose to be together here on earth!!!!
The word... And on my heart...
2 Nephi 2:26
"...And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon..."
How powerful does that feel to you? I think it is SO powerful! Because we are redeemed from the fall by the Atonement, we are FREE FOREVER. We get to know good from evil. We were out here on earth to act not to be acted upon! I'm learning more about this today. Sadly I don't have time to tell you more, but I will after this weekend. Powerful stuff!
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